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Site Map

1 . 處本部 Office of General Affairs
      1-1 . 總務長室 Office of General Affairs
      1-2 . 歷任總務長 Past Directors of the General Affairs Office
      1-3 . 成員介紹 Team Member Introduction
      1-4 . 任務管理系統(總務處內部使用) Task Management System (For Internal Use by the General Affairs Office)
      1-5 . 總務之光 The Light of the General Affairs Office
      1-6 . 地理位置 geographic location
2 . 事務組 General Services Division
      2-1 . 最新消息 News
      2-2 . 業務介紹 Business Introduction
      2-3 . 工作職掌 Job Responsibilities
      2-4 . 法規函釋 Regulatory Interpretation
            2-4-1 . 【函釋】技工工友管理 interpretation Technician and Worker Management
            2-4-2 . 【法規】laws
      2-5 . SOP作業程序Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
      2-6 . 表單下載 Form Download
      2-7 . 採購專區 Procurement Area
      2-8 . 數位總機專區 Digital Switchboard Area
      2-9 . 校園商場及特約商店 Campus Mall and Authorized Stores
            2-9-1 . 校外特約商店 Off-campus Authorized Stores
            2-9-2 . 委外廠商 outsourcing vendor
                  2-9-2-1 . 校內住宿 on-campus housing
                  2-9-2-2 . 便利生活 convenient lifestyle
                  2-9-2-3 . 校園美食food
                        2-9-2-3-1 . 集賢館Ji-Xian Community House
                        2-9-2-3-2 . 多容館Duo-Rong Community House
                        2-9-2-3-3 . 管理學院Management College Building
                        2-9-2-3-4 . 湖畔Lake Side
            2-9-3 . 意見信箱
      2-10 . 場地物品借用及公務派車Venue Equipment Borrowing and Official Car Dispatch
            2-10-1 . 教室講堂借用Classroom and Auditorium Booking
                  2-10-1-1 . 借用流程 Borrowing Process
                  2-10-1-2 . 借用相關規定 Relevant Regulations on Borrowing
                  2-10-1-3 . 【場地實境圖】階梯教室、會議室 Venue Layout: Auditorium and Conference Room
            2-10-2 . 物品借用Item Borrowing
            2-10-3 . 公務派車申請 Official Vehicle Request
      2-11 . 校園交通資訊及車輛管理Campus Transportation Information and Vehicle Management
            2-11-1 . 法令規章
            2-11-2 . 表單下載
            2-11-3 . 校園機車行駛停放導覽 Campus Motorcycle Driving and Parking Guide
            2-11-4 . 校門交通指引
            2-11-5 . 車輛違規取締
            2-11-6 . 自行車剪鎖、廢棄拍賣
            2-11-7 . 電動車充電/換電站
            2-11-8 . 車管系統線上繳費
            2-11-9 . 校園交通工具資訊(客運、計程車、遊覽車)
      2-12 . 校園公共藝術Campus Public Art
      2-13 . 校園遺失物公告Campus Lost and Found Notice
      2-14 . 地理位置 geographic location
3 . 營繕組Construction and Maintenance Division
      3-1 . 最新消息news
      3-2 . 業務簡介Business Profile
      3-3 . 工作職掌Job Responsibilities
      3-4 . 相關規定及訊息Relevant Regulations and Information
      3-5 . SOP作業程序Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
      3-6 . Q&A-Construction and Maintenance Division
      3-7 . 線上報修系統Online Repair Request System
      3-8 . 金質獎專區Golden Quality Award Section
      3-9 . 全校配置圖 Campus Layout Map
      3-10 . 地理位置 geographic location
4 . 環保組Environmental Protection Division
      4-1 . 最新消息news
      4-2 . 業務簡介Business Profile
      4-3 . 工作職掌Job Responsibilities
      4-4 . 法規函釋 Regulatory Interpretation
      4-5 . 表單下載Form Download
      4-6 . 校園維護&綠色採購 Campus Maintenance & Green Procurement
            4-6-1 . 校園景觀維護 Campus Landscape Maintenance
                  4-6-1-1 . 校園景觀規劃委員會 Campus Landscape Planning Committee
                  4-6-1-2 . 植樹節活動Arbor Day Activities
                  4-6-1-3 . 歷年苗木申請 Historical Tree Planting Applications
                  4-6-1-4 . 災後恢原專區 Post-Disaster Restoration Section
                        4-6-1-4-1 . 113年10月康芮颱風
                        4-6-1-4-2 . 113年7月凱米颱風
                        4-6-1-4-3 . 110年10月 圓規颱風
                  4-6-1-5 . 田園基地 Rural Base
            4-6-2 . 校園垃圾清運及資源回收 Campus Waste Collection and Resource Recycling
                  4-6-2-1 . 校園垃圾分類宣導及公告Campus Waste Sorting Promotion and Announcements
                  4-6-2-2 . 【法規Regulations】國立東華大學廢棄物管理辦法National Dong Hwa University Waste Management Guidelines
                  4-6-2-3 . 【相關表單 Related Forms】
                  4-6-2-4 . 【相關連結 Related Links】
            4-6-3 . 飲水機管理
            4-6-4 . 犬隻管理及認養(校園犬籍資料)
            4-6-5 . 小黑蚊宣導防治
            4-6-6 . 107校園螢火蟲調查報告
            4-6-7 . 校園野鴿禽流感檢驗報告
      4-7 . 環境保護&安全衛生
            4-7-1 . 職業安全衛生
                  4-7-1-1 . 新進人員職安教育訓練專區
            4-7-2 . 實驗室安全衛生(網頁建構中)
            4-7-3 . 生物安全委員會
            4-7-4 . 毒化/輻射物運作管理
                  4-7-4-1 . 毒化物運作管理
            4-7-5 . 廢水處理
            4-7-6 . 實驗室廢棄物處理
            4-7-7 . 化學品分級管理
            4-7-8 . 室內空氣品質
            4-7-9 . 保護計畫
                  4-7-9-1 . 執行職務遭受不法侵害預防計畫
                  4-7-9-2 . 本校作業環境監測計畫
            4-7-10 . 相關連結
            4-7-11 . 109年教育部環境管理現狀調查相關資料
      4-8 . 減少使用免洗餐具及包裝飲用水
      4-9 . 教育訓練
      4-10 . 實驗動物照護及使用小組Animal Care and Use Group
      4-11 . Q&A-Environmental Protection Division
      4-12 . 地理位置 geographic location
5 . 保管組Property Management Division
      5-1 . 最新消息news
      5-2 . 學人宿舍最新消息Latest Dormitory News
      5-3 . 業務簡介Business Profile
      5-4 . 工作職掌Job Responsibilities
      5-5 . 法規函釋 Regulatory Interpretation
      5-6 . SOP作業程序Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
      5-7 . 表單下載Form Download
      5-8 . 線上系統Online System
            5-8-1 . 財產管理系統Asset Management System (校外使用本系統請先安裝SSL VPN)
            5-8-2 . 東華大學堪用舊品媒合網Dong Hwa University Reusable Goods Matching Platform
            5-8-3 . 軟體保管單Software Custody Form
            5-8-4 . 學位服借用系統Academic Regalia Loan System
            5-8-5 . 校外使用財產管理系統Off-campus Asset Management System(請先安裝SSL VPN)
      5-9 . 財產管理Asset Management
      5-10 . 宿舍管理Dormitory Management
      5-11 . 廢品管理Waste Management
      5-12 . 學位服管理Academic Regalia Management
      5-13 . 路燈認養專區Streetlight Adoption Area
      5-14 . 地理位置 geographic location
6 . 出納組Cashier Division
      6-1 . 最新消息news
      6-2 . 業務介紹Business Profile
      6-3 . 工作職掌Job Responsibilities
      6-4 . 法規函釋 Regulatory Interpretation
      6-5 . SOP作業程序&統審薪資作業SOP Procedures & Payroll Auditing Operations
      6-6 . 表單下載Form Download
      6-7 . 出納組資訊系統Cashier Information System
      6-8 . 學雜費資訊Tuition and Fees Information
      6-9 . 所得稅專區Income Tax Area
      6-10 . 校園智慧支付專區Campus Smart Payment Zone
            6-10-1 . 電信悠遊卡資訊Telecom EasyCard Information
      6-11 . Q&A : Cashier Division
      6-12 . 地理位置 geographic location
7 . 文書組Documentation Division
      7-1 . 最新消息news
      7-2 . 業務介紹 Business Introduction
      7-3 . 工作職掌Job Responsibilities
      7-4 . 法規函釋Regulatory Interpretation
      7-5 . SOP作業程序Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
      7-6 . 表單下載Form Download
      7-7 . 郵件包裏查詢Mail and Parcel Inquiry
      7-8 . 公文系統/用印Document Management System / Seal/Stamp Usage
      7-9 . 檔案推廣與應用File Promotion and Application
      7-10 . 公文小教室Document Management Workshop
      7-11 . 地理位置 geographic location
8 . 校級委員會School-level Committee
      8-1 . 車輛管理委員會Vehicle Management Committee
      8-2 . 校園景觀規劃委員會Campus Landscape Planning Committee
      8-3 . 節能減碳委員會Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Committee
      8-4 . 委外廠商管理委員會Outsourced Vendor Management Committee
      8-5 . 空間規劃評估委員會Space Planning and Evaluation Committee
      8-6 . 技工、工友人事考核委員會Technician and Labor Personnel Evaluation Committee
      8-7 . 環境保護暨職業安全衛生委員會Environmental Protection and Occupational Health and Safety Committee
      8-8 . 宿舍調配管理委員會Dormitory Allocation and Management Committee
      8-9 . 珍貴動產不動產評審委員會Precious Movable and Immovable Property Appraisal Committee
      8-10 . 檔案保存價值鑑定委員會Records Retention Appraisal Committee
9 . 總務處表單下載 Office of General Affairs Form Download