點收及保管現金、票據、有價證券等,並填開收款收據。Receipt and custody of cash, bills, negotiable securities, etc., and issuance of payment receipts. |
辦理款項支付匯款、郵寄等業務。Processing payment remittances, mailing, and related services. |
承辦全校編制內教職員工(含校務基金進用人員) 薪津、年終獎金、考績獎金、不休假獎金發放、補發及收回等業務。Managing the disbursement, reissuance, and recovery of salaries, year-end bonuses, performance bonuses, and unused leave bonuses for all faculty and staff (including those employed with school affairs funds). |
承辦本校教師鐘點費、導師費等編製及發放業務。Handling the preparation and disbursement of part-time faculty fees, advisory fees, and related payments for the university's teaching staff. |
承辦學生學雜、學分費製作繳費單及收款、休退學退費等業務。Handling the preparation of payment slips and collection for student tuition, miscellaneous fees, and credit fees, as well as processing refunds for students who withdraw or take a leave of absence. |
承辦所得稅審核、歸戶、外僑及年終所得申報、更正業務。Handling income tax audits, household registration, tax filing for foreign nationals, year-end income declarations, and tax corrections. |
承辦校務基金之存款轉存放金融機構暨郵局之各類長短期定期存款。Managing the transfer and deposit of school funds into various types of short-term and long-term fixed deposits at financial institutions and post offices. |
承辦各項押標金、保證金及其他擔保之收付保管及其他收款退款等事項。Managing the receipt, custody, and payment of bid bonds, security deposits, and other guarantees, as well as handling other payment and refund matters. |
辦理電子收費業務。Managing electronic payment services. |
辦理收據請領、銷號、結報及管理業務。Handling receipt requests, cancellations, record keeping, and management of receipts. |
零用金管理業務。Petty cash management. |
帳務管理業務,含編製現金結存日報表、月報表及每月底銀行結存差額解釋表。Accounting management tasks, including the preparation of daily cash balance reports, monthly reports, and monthly bank reconciliation statements. |