徐輝明校長榮任「國立東華大學第九任校長」 Principal Xu Huiming is appointed as the 9th President of National Dong Hwa University.
公共工程金質獎-「藝術學院大樓新建工程」 Public Works Golden Quality Award - 'New Construction of the College of Arts Building
頒獎單位:行政院公共工程委員會 Awarding Organization: Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan
承辦單位:營繕組 Responsible Organization:Construction and Maintenance Division
科技創能•綠電發光-設置太陽光電績優縣市暨學校「設置總容量類」特優 Technology Innovation and Green Energy - Outstanding Counties, Cities, and Schools in Solar Photovoltaic Installation 'Total Installation Capacity Category' Special Excellence Award
頒獎單位:教育部 Awarding Organization: Ministry of Education
承辦單位:營繕組 Responsible Organization:Construction and Maintenance Division
邱翊承組長榮獲「教育部與所屬機關(構)學校109年度模範公務人員殊榮 Team Leader Qiu Yicheng was awarded the 'Model Civil Servant Honor for the 109th Year by the Ministry of Education and Its Affiliated Agencies (Institutions) and Schools.
頒獎單位:教育部 Awarding Organization: Ministry of Education
公共藝術獎-環境融合獎 Public Art Award - Environmental Integration Award
頒獎單位:文化部 Awarding Organization: Ministry of Culture
承辦單位:事務組 Responsible Organization:General Services Division