一、營建工程 Construction Engineering 1.新建建築、水電、空調等工程興辦 New building construction, plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, and other related engineering projects. 2.工程相關招標業務之擬定與修訂 Formulation and revision of bidding procedures for engineering-related projects. 3.委託技術服務採購 Procurement of commissioned technical services. 4.工程管理與監督 Project management and supervision. 二、修繕工程 Repair and Maintenance Engineering 1.校區各大樓、宿舍等校含維護與修繕工程 Maintenance and repair projects for various buildings, dormitories, and other campus facilities. 2.維修案件之申請與登記 Application and registration of repair cases. 3.維修各項工程採購與管理監督 Procurement, management, and supervision of repair-related projects. 4.公共安全檢查及維護 Public safety inspections and maintenance. 5.維修預算之擬定 Formulation of repair budgets. 三、其他 Others 1.校區水電、空調、消防、電梯、變電站、鍋爐等維護、保養與修繕 Maintenance, upkeep, and repairs of campus utilities, including water, electricity, air conditioning, fire protection systems, elevators, substations, boilers, etc. 2.節電、節水等措施之配合 Coordination of energy-saving and water-saving measures. 3.各項業務統計資料彙整與陳報 Compilation and submission of various business statistics and reports. 4.教育部業務之連繫與履行 Coordination and implementation of Ministry of Education-related tasks. 5.各類行政、文書之處理 Handling of various administrative and clerical matters. 6.臨時交辦事項 Temporary assignments.