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【垃圾不落地計畫 Zero Littering Program

To address the issue of improper waste segregation in the campus garbage collection system and to avoid the situation where waste is found to be improperly sorted during inspection at the Shoufeng Township landfill, which could lead to rejection, fines, or return of waste, the "Zero Littering Program" was implemented starting from February 9, 2017.

The university has set up scheduled and designated routes for garbage trucks to巡回 collect waste across campus, ensuring that resource recycling and sorting are done correctly on-site, while also preventing unauthorized dumping by outsiders. This effectively reduces waste disposal costs.

The garbage truck routes are divided into three areas: the Student Dormitory Area, the Faculty Dormitory Area, and the Administrative and Teaching Area. The collection times will be adjusted and announced based on the academic calendar, consecutive holidays, and winter and summer breaks.

【計畫 Program】
1.106年本校壽豐校園垃圾不落地計畫  2017 National Dong Hwa University Shoufeng Campus Zero Littering Program
2.106年3月垃圾不落地計畫實施檢討簡報 March 2017 Zero Littering Program Implementation Review Presentation
3.垃圾車清運即時資訊APP使用說明 User Guide for the Garbage Truck Collection Real-time Information App
4.資源回收物分類說明 Guidelines for Resource Recycling Material Sorting