(一)簡介 Overview
General Services Division,The personnel structure includes Team Leaders, Specialists, Team Members, Assistants, Technicians, Laborers, and Security Officers. The main responsibilities include asset management, labor and procurement reviews, and tendering operations; management and maintenance of the administrative building and various teaching buildings; outsourcing and recruitment of campus operations and guidance; campus patrol and vehicle order management; allocation of official vehicles and maintenance of vehicles; and support for various large-scale events across the campus.
(二)業務職掌 Responsibilities
1.財物(設備)、勞務採購審查及招標作業。Asset (Equipment) and Labor Procurement Review and Tendering Operations.
2.車輛管理維運及司機調度派車。Vehicle Management, Maintenance, and Driver Scheduling.
3.教學與行政大樓講堂、會議室、公共場所暨物品借用管理。Management of Lecture Halls, Meeting Rooms, Public Spaces, and Item Borrowing in Teaching and Administrative Buildings.
4.工友人事管理(含新進、雇用、差假、獎懲、退撫、考核等)。Labor Personnel Management (including recruitment, employment, leave, rewards and penalties, retirement, performance evaluations, etc.).
5.壽豐校區總電費、水費統計核銷及學人宿舍區水、電抄錶等作業。Statistics, Verification, and Reimbursement of Electricity and Water Bills for the Shoufeng Campus, and Water and Electricity Meter Reading for Student Dormitory Areas.
6.電話系統管理、維護、增設、移機及電話費核銷、分攤明細表之製作。Telephone System Management, Maintenance, Installation, Relocation, and Verification of Telephone Bills, as well as Preparation of Billing Breakdown.
7.校園駐衛警巡邏及維護校園安全。Campus Security Patrol and Maintenance by Campus Security Officers.
8.教學與行政大樓的環境代管理及清潔維護等。Environmental Management and Cleaning Maintenance for Teaching and Administrative Buildings.
9.全校各項委外經營招商、輔導及管理等業務。Outsourcing Operations, Business Recruitment, Guidance, and Management Across the Campus.
10.其他事務性及各項活動支援工作。Other Administrative and Event Support Tasks.
11.緊急事務處理、聯絡等事宜。Emergency Affairs Handling, Communication, and Coordination.