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校園環境、道路清潔整理 Campus environment and road cleaning and maintenance.

飲水機清洗維護及水質送檢 Drinking water dispenser cleaning, maintenance, and water quality testing.

一般廢棄物收集及運送 General waste collection and transportation.

資源回收 Resource recycling.

污水處理廠操作運轉及檢驗申報 Sewage treatment plant operation, maintenance, and inspection reporting.

環境衛生消毒(蟲害、鼠害防治) Environmental hygiene and disinfection (pest and rodent control).

各建築物地下室蓄水池及給水塔之清洗 Cleaning of underground water reservoirs and water tanks in all buildings.

辦公室做環保業務 Office environmental protection tasks.

實驗室安全衛生及廢液管理 Laboratory safety, health, and waste liquid management.

東湖景觀整理 Donghu landscape maintenance.

校園流浪犬捕捉處理、校犬管理 Handling and management of stray dogs on campus and campus dog management.

東湖水位調節及周邊環境清理 Donghu water level regulation and surrounding environment cleaning.

校園草地植栽美化、綠化、整理及維護 Campus grassland planting, beautification, greening, maintenance, and upkeep.

鴿害防治 Pigeon control.

綠色採購作業管理 Green procurement management.