
行雲莊防鴿設施施作公告(Announcement of Pigeon Prevention Facility Construction at Xingyun Manor)

聯安九九有限公司 工地負責人: 李子靖0970-081434;總務處環保組 賴宜萱(03)890-6393。


1. From now until September 4th, 2024 (Tuesday), daily from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, construction of lightweight steel frame ceilings for pigeon prevention will be conducted in the corridors of Xingyun Manor.

2. For safety considerations, the construction area will be cordoned off with yellow caution tape. Non-personnel involved in the construction are prohibited from entering. If the work is completed ahead of schedule, the restrictions will be lifted early without further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

3. Contact persons and telephone numbers:

Site Supervisor, Lianan 99 Co., Ltd.: Mr. Zi Jing Li, 0970-081434
General Affairs Environmental Protection Section: Ms. Yi Xuan Lai, (03) 890-6393
Best regards,
Environmental Protection Section, General Affairs Office