Notice of Elevator System Upgrade and Suspension at Hanxing 1 Dormitory

1. Reason for Suspension:
The elevator system is being upgraded, and during this period, the elevator will be unavailable for use. Please use an alternative elevator if possible. If no alternative is available, kindly avoid using the elevator during this time.

2. Scheduled Suspension Times and Work Details:

From 9:00 AM on 10/30 (Wednesday) to 5:00 PM on 11/3 (Sunday), the elevator control system for the front elevator at Hanxing 1 Dormitory (Shoufeng Campus) will be updated.
From 9:00 AM on 11/4 (Monday) to 5:00 PM on 11/10 (Sunday), the elevator control system for the rear elevator at Hanxing 1 Dormitory (Shoufeng Campus) will be updated.
3. Updating Company:
Chengxin Miguo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Phone: 03-8530333
Contact Person: Ms. Chen Wanling, Phone: 0958-989568

4. Campus Contact:
Shoufeng Campus: Mr. Liu Hongming, Phone: 0922-591207

Building Maintenance Section, General Affairs Office