一、施作期間: (一)行政大樓前椰林大道、人文社會科學學院前方步道及芳華道椰子樹枯葉修剪:112年6月13日(二)至112年6月15日(四)止。 (二)各棟建物天溝:112年6月26日(一)至112年7月17日(一)止。(地點參照附件天溝清理順序表) (三)學人宿舍黑板樹修剪:112年7月10日(一)至112年7月17日(一)止。 二、為考量人車安全,作業期間如遇雨天順延施作,並依施作進度調整作業區域,不另行公告,請依現場交管人員指揮,車輛停至其他停車場,非施工人員禁止進入作業區域,車輛行駛間請避開作業區域,不便之處敬請見諒。 總務處環保組 敬啟 1.Implementation period: (1) Coconut tree dead leaf pruning on the coconut palm avenue in front of the administrative building, the pedestrian path in front of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Fanghua Road: from June 13 (Tue) to June 15 (Thu), 2023. (2) Gutters of each building: from June 26 (Mon), 2023 to July 17 (Mon), 2023. (See the attached gutter cleaning order table for location). (3) Blackboard tree pruning in student dormitories: from July 10 (Mon), 2023 to July 17 (Mon), 2023. 2.In consideration of the safety of people and vehicles, if it rains during the operation period, the operation will be postponed and the operation area will be adjusted according to the progress of the operation without further announcement. Please follow the instructions of the on-site traffic management personnel, park your vehicle in other parking lots, and non-construction personnel are prohibited from entering the operation area. Please avoid the operation area when driving. Sorry for any inconvenience. Environmental Protection Division, General Affairs Office