【公告】111年度植樹節活動停止辦理 Arbor Day Event Cancelled.


二、為綠美化校園景觀及響應碳中和目標,總務處環保組仍將依原規劃進行苗木補植及綠化作業,有關苗木種植時間及區域詳如附檔,有興趣者可前往參與種植。 ​

總務處 環境保護組 敬啟


In consideration of the pandemic, Arbor Day event has been cancelled to avoid cluster infection.However,in order to green the campus landscape and respond to carbon neutrality goals,the originally planned seedling replanting and greening operration will still be held on March 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. at the Dong Lake.Anyone who wants to participate is welcome.

Division of Environmental Protection, Office of General Affairs